// JDBCSQL.java - exec arbitraty SQL statements (C) Georgiy Pruss 2017 // set P=org.postgresql.Driver jdbc:postgresql:// u1 p1 // set J=java -cp .;postgresql-42.1.1.jar JDBCSQL %P% // %J% 1 "select version()" or %J% @filewithstmts.jsql import java.sql.*; // DriverManager Connection SQLException Statement ResultSet import java.nio.file.*; // Files Paths public class JDBCSQL { public static final String help = "java -cp .; JDBCSQL "+ "{@ | } [-s sepL@sepC@sepR]\n"+ " where lines in file must start with and must be without quotes\n"+ " and in command line must be in quotes.\nExamples:\n"+ "java -cp .;postgresql-42.1.1.jar JDBCSQL\n"+ " org.postgresql.Driver jdbc:postgresql:// u1 p1\n"+ " 1 \"select version()\"\n"+ " 0 \"drop table if exists T; create table T (f1 numeric, f2 varchar, f3 char(4))\"\n"+ " 0 \"insert into T values (1,'one','12'),(2,'two','123'),(3,'three','1234')\"\n"+ " 3 \"select * from T\"\n"+ " 2 \"select f1,'['||f2||':'||f3||']' from T where f1<3\"\n"+ " 1 \"select sum(f1) from T\"\n"+ "option '-s' can define up to three separators instead of default '|', e.g. -s \"(@, @)\""; public static void main( String[] argv ) { if( argv.length<5 ) { System.out.println( help ); return; } try { Class.forName( argv[0] ); } catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) { System.out.println( "No JDBC Driver" ); return; } Connection cnxn = null; // may also close at the end (throwable op!) try { cnxn = DriverManager.getConnection( argv[1], argv[2], argv[3] ); } catch( SQLException e ) { System.out.println( "Connection Failed" ); return; } if( cnxn == null ) { System.out.println( "Failed to make connection" ); return; } String[] seps = {"|","|","|"}; if( argv[argv.length-2].equals("-s") ) seps = argv[argv.length-1].split("@",3); try { if( !argv[4].startsWith("@") ) ex_st( cnxn, new String[]{argv[4],argv[5]}, seps ); else for( String line: Files.readAllLines( Paths.get(argv[4].substring(1)) ) ) ex_st( cnxn, line.split(" +",2), seps ); } catch( Exception e ) { System.out.println( "Oops! " + e.getMessage() ); } } public static void ex_st( Connection c, String[] ns, String[] seps ) throws SQLException { System.out.println( "Exec: "+ns[0]+"|"+ns[1] ); int cols = Integer.parseInt(ns[0]); Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); if( cols == 0 ) { stmt.execute( ns[1] ); return; } ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( ns[1] ); int rows = 0; for( ; rs.next(); ++rows, System.out.println( seps[2] ) ) for( int i=1; i<=cols; ++i ) System.out.print( seps[i==1?0:1] + rs.getString(i) ); System.out.println( "Rows: "+rows ); } }