01.ijs count '(' and ')'
02.ijs wrapping paper area and ribbon length
03.ijs distribution of presents
04.ijs hacking MD5
05.ijs nice words
06.ijs turn on, off, toggle (1000x1000 matrix)
07.ijs circuit emulator (Supercalc)
08.ijs count string chars (escape/unescape)
09.ijs shortest distance (Permutations)
10.ijs look-n-say (RLE)
11.ijs next good password
12.ijs sum all numbers in json
13.ijs happy dinner (like 09)
14.ijs reindeer olympics
15.ijs perfect cookie recipe (like 09 and 13)
16.ijs too many aunts (set intersection?)
17.ijs combinatorics again :(
18.ijs game of life
19.ijs long molecule (very bad problem)
20.ijs infinite elves (OEIS A000203)
21.ijs rpg simulation
22a.ijs 22b.ijs wizard rpg (two parts)
23.ijs simple processor
24.ijs packages in the sleigh
24n.ijs 24, with checking all parts
25.ijs diagonalization