Depth of Field, Angle and Field of View, and Equivalent Lens Calculator

For the supported formats it will calculate the hyperfocal distance, near and far depth of field and total available depth of field for the lens specified. As well as the equivalent lens in one of the other supported formats. Where the equivalent lens produces the same depth of field and perspective.


2011-01-17: I’ve added some features to make computing AF calibration data easier. The first is the AF Test Dist button that sets the focus distance to the minimum recommended AF test distance of 50 times the focal length. The second is the addition of a 1/8th DoF measure to the outputs.

2014-01-12: Added support for metric distance input and output formatting. And support for preset focus distances roughly corresponding to various types of portraits.

2014-01-28: Added angle and field of view calculations. Angle and field of view are show for the selected format (i.e. 35mm or APC-S) and may not reflect the exact angle or field of view for the equivalent lens if the platforms aspect ratio is different.

2014-02-03: Clicking on the format in the equivalent lens chart will update the lens setting to match that format as closely as the calculator allows.

2014-02-05: Added 1/1.7″ CCD used in many compact cameras and the Pentax Q mirrorless cameras.

2014-05-13: Updated script to use the same engine used by and to store current settings in the URI to allow linking to a specific setup.


DOF and hyperfocal distances are calculated using the following formulas.


  • H is the hyperfocal distance
  • f is the focal length
  • s is the focus distance
  • Dn is the near DoF limit
  • Df is the far DoF limit
  • N is the f-number
  • c is the circle of confusion

Equivalent lenses are calculated so that the focal length produces the same approximate angle of view and the f-stop results in an aperture diameter equal to the base lens’s aperture diameter.

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