NB. see also http://www.calendar-12.com/moon_phases/2015

require 'c:/bin/tjd.ijs'

rfd=: 180 %~ o.    NB. Radians from degrees

sind =: 1 o. rfd
cosd =: 2 o. rfd

moon_phase_date =: 4 : 0 NB. x = k; y = phase
  x =. x + y%4
  t3 =. t*t2 =. t*t=. x%1236.85 NB. t is time in 'century' units
  j =. 2415020.75933 + (29.53058868*x) + (0.0001178*t2) - 0.000000155*t3
  j =. j + 0.00033*sind(166.56 + (132.87*t) - 0.009173*t2)
  NB. sun anomaly; moon anomaly; moon latitude:
  sa =. 360|359.2242+(29.10535608*x)+(_0.0000333*t2)+_0.00000347*t3
  ma =. 360|306.0253+(385.81691806*x)+(0.0107306*t2)+0.00001236*t3
  ml =. 360|21.2964+(390.67050646*x)+(_0.0016528*t2)+_0.00000239*t3
  if. (y=2) +. y=0 do. NB. new moon and full moon
    j =. j + ((0.1734-0.000393*t)*sind(sa)) + (0.0021*sind(2*sa))
    j =. j + (_0.4068*sind(ma)) + (0.0161*sind(2*ma)) + (_0.0004*sind(3*ma))
    j =. j + (0.0104*sind(2*ml)) + (_0.0051*sind(sa+ma)) + (_0.0074*sind(sa-ma))
    j =. j + (0.0004*sind(sa+2*ml)) + (0.0004*sind(sa-2*ml))
    j =. j + (_0.0006*sind(ma+2*ml)) + (_0.0010*sind(ma-2*ml)) + (0.0005*sind(sa+2*ma))
  else. NB. y=1 or 3
    j =. j + ((0.1721-0.0004*t)*sind(sa)) + (0.0021*sind(2*sa))
    j =. j + (_0.6280*sind(ma)) + (0.0089*sind(2*ma)) + (_0.0004*sind(3*ma))
    j =. j + (0.0079*sind(2*ml)) + (_0.0119*sind(sa+ma)) + (_0.0047*sind(sa-ma))
    j =. j + (0.0003*sind(sa+2*ml)) + (0.0004*sind(sa-2*ml))
    j =. j + (_0.0006*sind(ma+2*ml)) + (_0.0021*sind(ma-2*ml)) + (0.0003*sind(sa+2*ma))
    j =. j + (0.0004*sind(sa-2*ma)) + (_0.0003*sind(ma+2*sa))
    a =. (0.0028 - 0.0004*cosd(sa)) + 0.0003*cosd(ma)
    if. y=1 do. j =. j+a else. j =. j-a end.

NB. Find time of phases of the moon which surround the given date.
phase_hunt =: 3 : 0
  k1 =. <.((y-35)-2415021.0)%29.53058868 NB. since 1900.1.1 12:00
  p1 =. k1 moon_phase_date 0
  while. 1 do.
    k2 =. k1 + 1
    p2 =. k2 moon_phase_date 0
    if. (p1<:y) *. y<p2 do. break. end.
    p1 =. p2
    k1 =. k2
  (k1 moon_phase_date"0 i.4),p2

NB. ===================================================================

TZ =: 3
ymdhms4kp =: 4 : 'ymdhms4dnf x dnf4jd moon_phase_date/ y' NB. x = TZ

prt4kp =: 4 : 0  NB. x - year y - k,p
  dt =. TZ ymdhms4kp y
  if. x={.dt do. echo (4 2":y),'  ',s4ymdhms dt end.

NB. This calculates and prints Moon phases for year Y
print_moon_phases =: 3 : 0
  K0 =. <.12.3685*y-1900
  for_k. K0+i.14 do. for_p. i.4 do. y prt4kp k,p end. end.

3 : 0 ARGV_j_
  if. 2>#y do. return. end.
  if. 0='moonphase.ijs'-:_13{.>1{y do. return. end.
  if. 3=#y do.
    echo 'Moon Phases for Year ', y=.>{:y
    print_moon_phases ".y
    p =. s4dnf"0 TZ dnf4jd"0 phase_hunt TZ jd4dnf dnf_now''
    echo 'Last New Moon ', 0{p
    echo 'First Quater  ', 1{p
    echo 'Full Moon     ', 2{p
    echo 'Third Quater  ', 3{p
    echo 'Next New Moon ', 4{p
  exit 0

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