W10clk - windows clock and more - v.1.38

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Left button click — set focus on window;
Right button click — paste clipboard into display;
Small letters — immediate actions, often with the display contents;
Big letters, digits, other symbols — input in display.


f1     show help (this text)
?      show help too
h      show help (only when display is clear, otherwise it's hexadecimal)

Nh     show number (integer part of it) in hexadecimal system

d      current date as y/m/d wd (wd - weekday, Mon to Sun)
Nd     convert CED as plain number to y/m/d wd diff, e.g. 730122 --> 2000/1/1 Sat
±Nd    add or subtract days from the current day, giving date in the future or past
MDd    convert m/d to n wd [diff], meaning the current year
YMDd   convert y/m/d to n wd [diff], e.g. 2016/11/13 --> 736283 Sun

t      current time, H:M:S
Nt     convert seconds to M:S or H:M:S or D:H:M:S (D - days)
DHMSt  convert D:H:M:S or H:M:S or M:S to seconds

y      current year day number (1..366)
Ny     convert year-day to m/d for the current year, e.g. 59 --> 2/28
YNy    convert year/year-day to y/m/d, e.g. 2016/60 --> 2016/2/29
MDy    convert m/d to year-day for the current year, e.g. 2/1 --> 32
YMDy   convert y/m/d to year/year-day, e.g. 1900/12/31 --> 1900/365 (not leap!)

u      current unix time (for local time)
Nu     unix time to y/m/d.h:m:s wd (with the current tz!), in range 0 to 2^32-1
D.Tu   convert y/m/d.h:m:s local time (current tz!) to unix time, 1970/1/1 to 2106/2/7

j      current Julian day (for local time); it's also absolute time, like the unix time
Nu     convert Julian day to y/m/d.h:m:s (local time)
D.Tu   convert y/m/d.h:m:s local time (current tz!) to Julian day

m      current Moon phase information
Nm     Moon phases for year N, including lunation numbers and Julian day numbers

z      current time zone as ±H or ±HMM, e.g. -8 or +545 (Nepal); tz can be -12..+14
±Nz    show current time in specified time zone (tz must follow format ±H or ±HMM)
NAMEz  show current time in named time zone, defined in ini file; NAME is uppercase
.z     show defined time zones

Nc     convert °Celsius to °Fahrenheit, e.g. 100c --> 212.0
Nf     convert °Fahrenheit to °Celsius, e.g. 98f --> 36.7
Nk     convert KiB to kB (twice, i.e. kk — MiB to MB; kkk — GiB to GB; etc.)

s      start stopwatch (actually just remember the moment of start)
e      elapsed since start, also can show break time and work time
p      pause (don't count the following period, start the break)
g      go on (continue working or whatever, end of break)

^c     copy contents of display to clipboard (^ = Ctrl)
^v     paste (append!) clipboard into display; the same as the right mouse button

^s     toggle showing second hand (option 'seconds' in ini file)
^t     toggle showing time in window caption bar aka title (option 'intitle')

c      show color dialog; there press OK to paste color code back into display
Nc     if display is #rrggbb, then that color is used to start the color dialog
b      put the current background color into display field as #rrggbb
Nb     use current display value #rrggbb for background (try b c OK b ;))

^r^g^b change background color component up or down; change direction with ^i
^i     invert direction of color component change

←↑↓→   move window with arrows; hold Shift to move faster
^←↑↓→  change size of the window; again, hold Shift to change more

i      info: show window position and size; note that Windows adds some values to
       real sizes, e.g. my Windows-10 adds 16,8 for resizable window, and 6,3 for
       "non-resizable"; you can set up your own correction data with this option in
       the ini file: corr=xr,yr,xnr,ynr (so, mine would be 16,8,6,3)

x      maximize/restore size
q      quit the program; btw it's the only way to exit W10clk screen saver

=      calculate expression (see below how to enter it)
enter  calculate expression too


0-9.   enter number, e.g. 42 or 3.14159265
+-     can be used for numbers with sign, e.g. +10 or -555555
:/     enter time and date, e.g. 3/11 or 2:00 or 2016/11/10.23:59:59 (notice dot)
ABCDEF hexadecimal digits (uppercase!) for hex. numbers in expression, put # in front
#      hexadecimal number indicator: #FF #DEADBEEF #100000000

       binary and unary operations in math. expression (priority: ^, */%\|&o, +-)
+      +x  the same as x           x+y  sum
-      -x  negate                  x-y  subtract
*      *x  square, x*x             x*y  multiply
/      /x  square root of x        x/y  divide
\      \x  cubic root of x         x\y  inverse division, y/x
%      %x  natural logarithm of x  x%y  modulo
|      |x  decimal logarithm of x  x|y  parallel, (x*y)/(x+y)
&      &x  binary logarithm of x   x&y  hypotenuse, /(*x+*y)
^      ^x  exponent                x^y  power (left to right order, sorry)
!      !x  factorial (x=0..170)    x!y  permutations (comb = x!y/!min(x,y))
o      ox  multiply by pi          xoy  circle function (hello APL ;-))

           1ox sin    -1ox asin    10ox sind    -10ox asind
           2ox cos    -2ox acos    20ox cosd    -20ox acosd
           3ox tan    -3ox atan    30ox tand    -30ox atand

       expressions can contain integer and fractional decimal numbers, hexadecimal
       numbers starting with #, time as MM:SS or HH:MM:SS or DD:HH:MM:SS

()     just usual grouping order of evaluation: 1+2*3 is not (1+2)*3

◄─ ^h  correct input (delete the character at the end of display)
del    correct input (delete the character at the beginning)

spc    clear display
esc    clear display

CED    Common Era Day number -- number of a day, counting since January 1st, 1 AD,
       that was day 1, then January 2nd was day 2 and so on, using the Julian calendar
       (years divisible by 4 are all leap), up till 1582/10/4 (CED 577737), when the
       counting scheme switched to the Gregorian calendar and day 1582/10/15 (CED 577738)
       followed. Such enumeration was chosen to eliminate negative numbers and to have
       somewhat natural scheme.
       1858/11/16 Tue CED 678577 = Julian Day Number (JDN) 2400000 (the difference is 1721423)


Extract files w10clk.exe, w10clk.htm and w10clk.ini from w10clk.zip to some directory. For example, to C:\Program Files\W10clock. Also w10clk needs cygwin-64 run-time library, cygwin1.dll. If you don't have it in your computer, download that file too (from cygwin site or from this archive) and put it together with the other w10clk files. You can have several clock programs — in different directories or in the same directory with different names. The matter is that the exe file looks for its ini file using its name. So for example, you can have the main clock with the files named w10clk.* and screen saver with names w10clkss.*. Also you can have sections for different instances in the same ini file (see below in Configuration). Create a shortcut to the main program (e.g. drag-and-drop w10clk.exe to your desktop with the right button, choose 'create shortcut', move it to the start menu if you wish). You can make it start automatically when the Windows starts, using the registry or scheduler (more detail to follow). For setting up the screen saver, continue reading.


You can also set up the program as a screen saver. Copy the executable to some other file with extension .scr, e.g. w10clkss.scr. Copy or create config file for it, it must be named after the scr file, in our case — w10clkss.ini. For example:

bg=0,0,0            ; good choice
ticks=12,80,80,80   ; make ticks and hands thick

Then right-click on the scr file and choose Install. It will also start at once. Press 'q' to stop it. It has no usual config dialog, like other screen savers, all the setup is done in the ini file. Sorry for that, maybe some time I'll fix it... Anyway, it'll serve as a screen saver. To exit it, press 'q', no other ways work. Moreover, all of the clock functions work there in the screen saving mode — date and time conversions, stopwatch, calculations, etc.


The program reads all its settings from config files. First it tries to read file with the same name as the program has, plus extension '.ini'. That is, if you rename the program to w10myclk.exe, it will read from file w10myclk.ini. And the settings section must have the same name, that is [w10myclk] (the letter case of file names and names inside the ini files doesn't matter). If the program can't find such file, it looks for file with name w10clk.ini. So you can have different setting for different programs in one or several files. If the ini file or suitable section inside it is not found, all the settings will have defaults. Colors can be written as three decimal colors r,g,b (values 0 to 255) or as hexadecimal value #rrggbb. Time zones are defined in tz setting, e.g.: tz=PST -8 GMT +0 CET +1 (the letter case doesn't matter, plus sign can be omitted, all is divided by blanks). To set chime for every hour or half-hour, use options bell and halfbell. Their values can be 1) full path to the wav sound file (e.g. D:\Users\John\Music\tada.wav); 2) short name, like BigBen.wav -- it'll be searched first in the directory where w10clk was installed, and if not found, in directory %SystemRoot%\Media, most often it's C:\Windows\Media; 3) system sound, specified by one of words: Default, Asterisk, Welcome, Start, Exit, Question, Exclamation, Hand (case-insensitive). Also you can specify voice files for talking clock: option voice must set a directory with voice files (it's relative to the program directory). The voice directory must have file voice.txt, in which the first 24 lines describe exact hours, the next 24 lines describe half-hours (better see examples that are provided with the program). Please read the ini file provided — it has short explanations for all settings.


Just for your convenience, some unit table and popular unicode symbols.

Inch (in)2.54 cm Ounce (oz)28.3495 g Fluid oz (fl.oz)29.5735 mℓ Horsepower (hp)735.5/746 kW
Foot (ft)30.48 cm Pound (lb)0.453592 kg Pint (pt)0.473176 ℓ Light-year (ly)9.46073e15 m
Yard (yd)91.44 cm Sq.ft (ft²)0.092903 m² Quart (qt)0.946351 ℓ Speed of light299792458 m/s
Mile (mi)1.609344 km Naut. mile1.852 km Gallon (gal)3.785412 ℓ MpG ↔ ℓ/100km235.21458 / x

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αβγδλπωµ—†‡…§¶¡¿‼–‚‘’‹›„“”«» ′ ″ ‴⟨ ⟩−±≤≥≠≈≡×÷⊕⊗∅∀∃∄∏∑∫∞√∂∆∇∥⊥∠∈∉¹²³ⁿ ♀♂ ↵←↑↓→⇒⇔ ♠♣♥♦♪♫◊∎█☎☺

See also symbol table online | full unicode set | unit converter | currency converter and all.
Don't forget two more sites: exact time and everything you can get on time and date.

Copyright © Georgiy Pruss 2016

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